Porter’s Five Forces of Fresenius

Fresenius is the healthcare group, and it is headquartered in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany. The company was founded in 1912 more than a century ago. The company, since its inception, has evolved and expanded its footprint. It has a serious foothold in the German...

Porter’s Five Forces of East Japan Railway

East Japan Railway Company was incorporated in 1987 and has headquarters in Tokyo, Japan (Nikkei Asian Review, 2020). The company is the largest among seven-passenger rail companies operated by Japan Railway Group. It is a privately owned, for-profit organization. The...

Porter’s Five Forces of E.ON

E.ON is the international energy utility company headquartered in Essen, German and it was founded in 2000. The company has 70,000 employees, and its focus is to provide energy solutions to the customers (E.ON, 2020).  The company has a significant presence in Europe...

Porter’s Five Forces of Danone

Danone is a multinational food company formed in 1919 in Barcelona, Spain. The group is headquartered in Paris, France.  The company’s main focus on four food product lines, essential dairy and plant-based products, waters, early life nutrition, and medical...

Porter’s Five Forces of Altair Group

The Altair group is the United States-based holding company that is the largest producer of tobacco. It was incorporated in 1985 in Virginia as Philip Morris Companies, Inc. The subsidiaries of the company include Philip Morris USA, U.S. Smokeless Tobacco, John...

Porter’s Five Forces of JXTG Holdings

JXTG Holdings is a Japanese petroleum and metals conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It was incorporated in 2010 after the share transfer of Nippon Oil Corporation and Nippon Mining Holdings, Inc. (JXTG Holdings, 2020). JXTG Holdings, Inc. manages its group of...

Porter’s Five Forces of Petrobras

Petrobras is a semi-public Brazilian multinational corporation in the petroleum industry headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was incorporated in 1953 (Petrobras Holdings, 2020). Petrobras operates through integrated infrastructure with a focus on oil and gas....

Porter’s Five Forces of Midea Group

Midea Group is the producer of home and electrical appliances. It was incorporated in 1968 in Guangdong Province, China. It is the leading manufacturer of electric appliances. Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone maker, has invested in Midea Group in 2014 to collaborate on...

Porter’s Five Forces of the KBC Group

KBC Group is formed in 1998 in Brussels, Belgium. The group’s principal activity is integrated insurance. The group’s major market share in Europe exists in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ireland (KBC Group, 2020). The group...

Porter’s Five Forces of Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Hewlett-Packard Company was founded in the second quarter of the 20th century in Palo Alto, California, by Bill Hewlett and David Packard. The company has evolved over time, and since its inception, it has gone through major structural changes; Company has split twice...
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