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Porter Five Forces Analysis (Porter Model) of ING Group

Internationale Nederlanden Groep (International Netherlands Group) is abbreviated as The ING Group, is a multinational bank and financial organization, having headquarters in Amsterdam. The bank is listed in Amsterdam, New York and Brussels. The bank works on the vision of empowering people.

Porters Five Forces for:

ING group’s strength is based on its eminence as a brand and its positive fame in several markets, also the bank has a sturdy financial standing, the worldwide networks and Omni channels dissemination policy. The bank supports and strives to fund for a sustainable world. Dow Jones Sustainability Index lists ING is amongst the important banks and it is also a front runner in FTSE4Good index.

Degree of Competition

As the number of banks is increasing their offerings are swelling around the world the competition in this business is also growing, leaving the existing participants to operate on lowest possible margins. The top competitors of ING group are giants like HSBC,UBS and ABN AMRO bank.On one hand its restricting more entrants but on the other hand it is driving out those players who are not profitable remain operative and profitable banks have to be proactive in introducing products and services that can be valued by customers and bring novelty in the field of borrowing.

Negotiating Authority of Customers

The customer may or may not have much influence in the banking business, their bargaining powers depends on the size and volume of their borrowing power and investments. Customer predictions are varying molded by their know-hows and use of online facilities. Therefore for customers who have high demands are the ones, who borrow large sum of money and on perpetual basis, these customers are the assets of the bank. The ING Groep N.V. follows the strategy of generating strong and influential customer base and creates value through customer loyalty and expansion of transactions.

Negotiating Authority of Suppliers

The ING Bank is an international multi-billion dollar trade which helps as an intermediary, or midway, amongst suppliers and those who are looking for financial capital financing. Power of suppliers can’t be underestimated. Influential suppliers in this region of business can use their bargaining powers to contract greater rates on their investment, shrinking the profit margin. The effect of sophisticated supplier negotiating power is that it drops the whole productivity of business.

Threat of New Entrants

Banking industry is always facing threats from new arrivals who bring in some sort of revolution in the way this trade is carried out, there is a possibility that all the time upcoming new entries put burden on ING Groep N.V. this is one of the reasons that ING Groep has to fight with all these encounters and construct operational hurdles to protect its competitive advantage. This can be achieved through developing customer friendly strategies, decreasing associated costs of lending and borrowing, and providing novel value suggestions to the client.

Threat of Substitutes

The substitutes are biggest threats for ING Groep the bank earn profit from different offerings, when a rival introduces an innovative product or service that can cater the needs of the customer in a better way or provides more value, most customers no matter how loyal they are tend to move away in long run therefore the productivity of the bank suffers. The danger of a substitute is extraordinary if it bids a significant offer that is distinctively diverse from existing submissions of the trade.


ING group’s character as a financial organization is based on the ideology of supporting and promoting the monetary, societal and eco-friendly development in the world and while simultaneously generating strong revenues for stakeholders. The bank is constantly altering its outlook. The banking industry is being interrupted continuously by various entries making use of novel ideas and philosophies like blockchain and artificial intelligence. The bank is following a proactive approach to deal with the major threats and forces of the market.


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• ING direct, Harvard Business Review Case Study. Published by HBR Publications.
• M. E. Porter, Competitive Strategy(New York: Free Press, 1980)
•    O. E. Williamson, Markets and Hierarchies(New York: Free Press, 1975)

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