Porter’s Five Forces of Baidu

Baidu, Inc. is a Chinese multinational firm dealing in the internet and technology industry, offering products and services related to the internet, search engines, and artificial intelligence worldwide. Coping in the internet industry, the firm was founded in January...

Porter’s Five Forces of Petrobras

Petrobras is a semi-public Brazilian multinational corporation in the petroleum industry headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was incorporated in 1953 (Petrobras Holdings, 2020). Petrobras operates through integrated infrastructure with a focus on oil and gas....

Porter Five Forces Model

Michael Porter gave his famous five force model in an article in the Harvard Business Review, when he was a young associate professor. The five forces model is a very simple yet very influential tool to determine where the control lies within a business or an...

Porter Five Forces Analysis of HUL

What is porter’s five forces model all about? Whenever you start any business, you have some sort of questions in your mind about the concerned industry to get to know that where you stand in the current scenario. It’s not necessary that you possess some questions in...
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